Supported initiatives

Strengthening our commitment to society

We accept our role as a global citizen and local neighbour, and aim to drive social development and environmental sustainability. We therefore support initiatives to improve the well-being of our employees and the environment.


Our commitment to society


We believe that small streams become great rivers, which is why we turned to MicroDON in 2021.

MicroDON enables employees to round up their salary and donate this extra money to associations that we choose together. Employees can also increase their donations, and give up to €10 if they wish. In any case, HENSOLDT doubles the donations made before they are transferred to the chosen associations!

HENSOLDT and its employees have chosen to support:

  • Institut Curie
  • Banques Alimentaires
  • Fondation de France
  • The SeaCleaners
  • Fonds Adie
  • Bleuet de France

MicroDON website : 

Our commitment to society


At HENSOLDT Nexeya France, all employees can carry out 4 hours of voluntary work during their working hours on specific themes during internal events. For example, food collection in stores with Les Banques Alimentaire.

Our commitment to the environment

Sustainable travel practices

In line with its travel plan, HENSOLDT is promoting and supporting its employees to change their travel practices and adopt environmentally friendly means. For example, HENSOLDT France took part in the Mai à Vélo challenge to encourage employees to cycle to work.

Cycling is good for the environment since it reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but it is also good for people´s health and allows to relax during the journey.

Mai à Vélo website :