MAG200 Series

Telemetry and data processing station

Products range

  • MAG200/TGS: high-performance station featuring all the functions of a telemetry chain
  • MAG200/BSS: a station that offers the unique ability to determine the best source of one or more targets by simultaneously analysing up to 16 PCM data streams
  • MAG200/TMoIP: dedicated station for acquiring PCM streams from IP networks
  • MAG200/CH7: station for processing telemetry data in IRIG 106-CH7 format from an antenna or IP networks
  • MAG200/GTW: PCM to Ethernet or Ethernet to PCM telemetry data format converter
  • MAGWEB: remote access platform designed to share test results for post-processing


The MAG200 series is a comprehensive range of dedicated in-flight testing solutions available in a variety of form factors, including portable systems, transportable systems, or rack-mounted chassis.

MAG200 solutions are based on the MAGALI real-time decommutation software. Thanks to Magali’s multi-layer architecture, these stations meet multiple needs. They can be easily adapted to any test installation, regardless of technology or data format.

All phases and tasks of the test campaign process are covered with the MAG200 product range.

For example, MAG200 telemetry stations feature receiver functions and bit and frame synchronisation capabilities depending on the user’s need.

All functions – test configuration, real-time monitoring, data analysis, visualisation and export, and test replay – are easily accessible via a user-friendly interface.

Thanks to the next-generation KALLISTÉ graphical editing software, users are free to customise the interfaces, which can include real-time views, test report windows, and data analysis frames.


  • Multi-source PCM inputs (acquisition, BSS, gateway)
  • Source synchronisation
  • Secure test data storage
  •  Up to 50,000 parameters processed
  • Telemetry checks (loss of signal, BSS, etc.)
  •  Real-time visualisation, replay and analysis
  •  Acquisition of video & audio and 3D visualisation
  •  Parameter extraction and conversion
  •  Visualisation of all parameters across multiple stations
  •  MAGALI processing functions
  •  Test reports

Main Benefits

  • A range of robust solutions covering all phases and tasks of the test campaign process
  • Based on unique, tried-and-tested software
  •  Scalable solutions: numerous additional modules (processing, I/O)
  •  Compatible with MAGALI network distributed architecture
  • Highly customisable: graphical editor, macro-commands, software development tools

Product Impressions

Product Impressions

Product Impressions

Product Impressions



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