MAG-150 Data Cruncher

Reduction, analysis, processing and display of flight test data


Multiple use cases:

  • Recorder: Processing recorded data during and after the flight
  • RF to IP: Data extraction from Telemetry receivers or any other CHAPTER 10 compatible equipment
  • CHAPTER 10 encoder: Encoding telemetry data in the CHAPTER 10 stream or files

* MAG150 supports most recorders and media that are compatible with CHAPTER 10, including: SAFRAN DS, QUASONIX, ETEP, TELSPAN, CURISSWRIGHT, and HENSOLDT NEXEYA FRANCE


MAG150 is a dedicated in-flight test data reduction solution. This powerful system features a wide range of functionalities to secure data acquisition and analysis.

MG150 processes data from flight recorders, flash memory and any other CHAPTER 10 format compatible system.

It supports all sources: Telemetry (IRIG 106 CHAPTER 4 & 7, CE83, CCSDS, DANIEL), MIL-STD-1553, ARINC-429, DIGIBUS, analogue, serial, Ethernet, video and audio.

Sources are synchronised with a high degree of accuracy, even for video and audio.

MAG150 includes MAGALI software features for post-processing analysis and display of all parameters.

It is the perfect tool for qualifying CHAPTER 10 compatible equipment.


  • Fully CHAPTER 10 compliant

  • Multi-source, multi-protocol and multi-format

  • Accurate source synchronisation

  • Data visualisation and analysis

  • Wide range of post-processing capabilities

  • Compatible with the majority of recorders on the market

  • All-in-one station (laptop, rack-mounted format, etc.) or software licence

Main Benefits

  • Suitable for real-time processing and post-processing

  • Comprehensive data visualisation and analysis software

  • Scalable product: processing and Import/Export modules can be added as an option

  • Easy to integrate into the test architecture: gateway for existing equipment

  • Reduces data access and decision-making time

Product Impressions

Product Impressions



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