Alternative solution for L22 data link interoperability


  • Network technical parameters

  • Loading of tactical and technical parameters

  • Network display

  • Tactical situation display

  • Exchange of NMU and NU technical orders

  • Transmission and receipt of tactical data over 2 NILE networks


NEX22 is a standalone L22 interoperability function that is not connected to a vessel’s sensors. Connected to the on-board radio, NEX22 can join an L22 network, exchange orders and improve the tactical overview.

This latest COTS solution complies with the L22 (BC10) standard, is well established in France (12 French Navy vessels), and is available with a slight delay.

A standard library is provided for connecting to external CMSs. NEX22 also has plug-and-play capability with HENSOLDT’s CMS, LYNCEA.


  • Graphical interface with technical and tactical HMIs

  • L22 gateway

  • GPS antenna with cable

  • UHF/HF radio communication chassis (option)

  • L22 modem – European (ELBIT SYSTEMS) or American (Leonardo DRS)

Main Benefits

NEX22 is a rugged, powerful standalone interoperability system. As the system is delivered with a training platform and a dedicated training module, tactical and operational deployment can be extremely quick.

Product Impressions

Product Impressions



Philippe PLATET